Moondog was a blind American musician with an eclectic musical history. From releasing music with Julie Andrews, inventing musical instruments and being known to some as a father of electronic sampling and being an inspiration to Jarvis Cocker, Debbie Harry and Brian Eno to name a few.
The Format Factory has secured exclusive access to 2 pieces o unheard Moondo music, both canons, Cosmos I & Cosmos II. Moondo never thouht would et played as they required 1000 musicians and 8 conductors to play them and impossible to keep it in time throuhout the perormance, which would last just shy o 9 hours.
In this roundbreakin 3 part documentary we create an orchestra o robots to realise, or the first time, Moondo’s epic composition, utilisin the technoloy that Moondo imained would be needed or his incredible composition.
The Cosmos canons are a vehicle to explore robotic and AI technoloy. The advancements in science have meant that machines can now play all 1000 instruments required to build the orchestra. Moondo disliked synthesised music, the sound wasn’t authentic. Thereore this orchestra will need to play actual instruments.
The sheet music itsel doesn’t list orchestral parts, it’s open to interpretation. We will use Artificial Intellience as a Musical Director. This will be tauht all o Moondo’s previous work and will use that knowlede to best interpret which musical instruments it thinks Moondo would have imained or each o the 1000 parts.
The robotic orchestra will then play or 9 hours straiht, no need or social distancin, no need or a toilet break. The perormance venue would be at Jodrell Bank observatory, UK, which is the centre or astrophysics. From here the perormance would be beamed out into space. The Cosmos reachin The Cosmos, roundbreakin technoloy usin roundbreakin technoloy.